2023 Boston Study Weekend “Healthy Habits” Bro. Jim Sommerville

Memorial Exhortation We all develop habits, whether good or bad, and the development of our habits, our minds, our bodies, our skills, our relationships with one another, all of these things are based on the “law of the farm” – you reap what you sow. Our thoughts become our acts, our acts become our habits,Continue reading “2023 Boston Study Weekend “Healthy Habits” Bro. Jim Sommerville”

2023 Boston Study Weekend “Exercise” Bro. Justin Patterson

We live in a time of history where people have become less active, at work and at home. This lack of activity has had negative impacts on mental and physical health. It is generally accepted in today’s society to exercise, but we must exercise for the right reasons – to help us spiritually, in doingContinue reading “2023 Boston Study Weekend “Exercise” Bro. Justin Patterson”

2023 Boston Study Weekend “Being Prepared” Bro. Dave Humphries

To be prepared requires to do something in advance, otherwise we may miss opportunities in the future, like the Judgment. To be ready for judgment involves: faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, Godliness and brotherly kindness, and perhaps the most important of these is “faith”. Faith is the critical quality in “being prepared”. Being prepared –Continue reading “2023 Boston Study Weekend “Being Prepared” Bro. Dave Humphries”